eXplore eXp World


Then explore the world where you can...

Create a Guest Pass for a Friend

Any agent that is active with eXp Realty (not in the joining process) has the ability to invite a guest

This can be done on any of the following -

1. expenterprise.com - The invite a guest widget is located on the home page under technology solutions

2. https://inviteaguest.exprealty.com/ - Use your eXp email & passport password when signing in

This is a 2-week guest pass ONLY.

You will need to create a new one after the original has expired.

These are good for assistants and other visitors who need access to eXpWorld.

It will also provide them access to explore.exprealty.com 

explore.exprealty.com is a great source of information, including hours of operation for the different departments and their emails.