Onboarding New Agents

As you are onboarding your new sponsored agents, remember that the first two weeks after an agent joins is super critical for retention. If they have a bad start, they will likely not stick around. You can help them feel like they've made a GREAT decision!

The easiest way to onboard someone after the application is to go through about 3 meetings with them on Zoom using the Screen Sharing with Remote Control 

Meeting 1 - Onboarding

Go to clifffreeman.info.  Scroll down and click on New Agents

Then click on "Application & Onboarding

MEETING 1 FOCUS - BASIC SMOOTH ONBOARDING: What you'll see on this tab are all of the initial processes that agents go through to get onboarded at eXp.  Instead of relying on a million eXp resources, you can use this checklist as a guide to walk them through each step of the journey.  The checklist matches up to the buttons on this page.

The CFG Guide to Onboarding Checklist will help you replicate what we do for our onboarding process so you can make your agent's onboarding experience smooth as silk and they get a great first impression of exp!  I always tell them that the first two weeks will be a little bumpy, but we will be right by their side to get them through it and on the other side are all the amazing benefits of eXp and CFG!  

We are available to answer your questions that come up during your agent's onboarding process, but please be mindful of the time and PLEASE be the primary point of contact for your new agent. If you are going to sponsor agents, this is your business to invest in and you are partnering with your sponsored agent. We are partnering with you to give you the resources to grow your numbers, but we need you to support your agents. 

In this meeting, you'll accomplish:

Meeting 2 - Getting Connected

MEETING 2 FOCUS - GETTING CONNECTED: In this meeting, you are going to work to get them connected to all of the resources available to them and get them plugged into the training available to help them feel like they are part of something BIG at eXp!  The CFG Guide to Onboarding Checklist for Meeting 2 matches up to the buttons on this page.

You will 


Plugging agents into the larger CFG team meetings will give them a sense that they are part of the bigger group and they have resources to lean on. Even if you are having mini-team meetings or one-on-one meetings, it's helpful to make sure they know that they belong to something bigger. No one wants to be out on their own deserted island by themselves! There's a lot of value being shared in our team meetings & trainings as well as in the eXp World. Lean on that training to support you in helping them grow and to help them to be resourceful!

We highly recommend getting the agent working through the First 100 Days document immediately to help them get their business on track fast alongside what you are tracking on the Onboarding Checklist.  Also, check out our CFG Daily Affirmations 

Remember that team leads are intended only to help level-out an agent's business and should never be relied on. Think about the analogy of teaching a man to fish instead of simply giving him a fish. They will never survive and will always be dependent on you. We never want to have an agent who is not resourceful and self-reliant. Instead, we want to teach the agents how to build their own businesses! If an agent needs help with developing their own leads, we encourage them to:

Our training call details are on the team calendar: https://www.clifffreeman.info/events-calendar

Meeting 3 - Ramping Up

MEETING 3 FOCUS - RAMPING UP: In this meeting, you are going help them get their tools put in place so they are ready to take off on their own!  Some of it's training and some of it is eXp systems The CFG Guide to Onboarding Checklist for Meeting 3 matches up to the buttons on this page.

You will